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How to Access XML attribute using SimpleXML in PHP

I have a XML file like this and I just want to get the value inside the Property which is "1", what should be the PHP code? Thanks in advance.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
<node flag="128">
<address>18 F5 40 1</address> 
<pnode>18 F5 40 1</pnode> 
<property id="ST" ***value="1"*** formatted="1" uom="W" /> 
<property id="ST" value="1" formatted="1" uom="W" /> 
<property id="TPW" value="226" formatted="226" uom="kWs" /> 
$string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> 
        <node flag="128">
            <address>18 F5 40 1</address> 
            <pnode>18 F5 40 1</pnode> 
            <property id="ST" value="1" formatted="1" uom="W" /> 
           <property id="ST" value="1" formatted="1" uom="W" /> 
           <property id="TPW" value="226" formatted="226" uom="kWs" /> 

$xml = simplexml_load_string($string);

echo (string) $xml->node->property->attributes()->value.PHP_EOL;

foreach($xml->properties->property as $element) {

    $attr = $element->attributes();

    echo (string) $attr->value.PHP_EOL;


Try this:

    $xml = '<nodeInfo><node flag="128">
    <address>18 F5 40 1</address> 
    <pnode>18 F5 40 1</pnode> 
    <property id="ST" value="1" formatted="1" uom="W" /> 
    <property id="ST" value="1" formatted="1" uom="W" /> 
    <property id="TPW" value="226" formatted="226" uom="kWs" /> 
    $xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($xml);
    $arrXml = array($xmlObj);
    echo $arrXml[0]->node->property->attributes()->value;

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