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Symfony 2 Dependency Injection & autowiring

I'm browsing the Symfony 2 docs related to Dependency Injection , and can't find a reference to autowiring. I found a bundle that offers some of this functionality , but it's still in beta and seems to be tied to annotations (correct me if I'm wrong).

What I'm looking for is an object (such as the service container), that could inject dependencies in my services, via setter injection.

For example, I would define a Service:

class Service {
     * @var \PDO
    protected $pdo;

     * @param \PDO $pdo
     * @Inject
    public function setPDO(\PDO $pdo) {
        $this->pdo = $pdo;

And then, I could use this hypothetical service container to inject dependencies in the Service, even if this one has been created outside the container:

$service = new Service();
// ...


Is there a DI container that could autowire dependencies this way?

从Symfony 2.8开始,本机支持自动装配: https//github.com/symfony/symfony/pull/15613


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