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Javascript?:How to dynamically add text inputs/form fields to a HTML form?

I am building a web form where there is a list of inputs. So far, so good.

However, how can I add a link/button to add say another 5 fields to the list. eg:


<a href="" onclick="">Add 10 more fields</a>

I have looked through many similar q's on this site, however none seem to describe how to add multiple fields.

Thanks for any help,


EDIT: Thanks all for help, looks like jquery append is the way to go. However I appreciate the alternative that does not use jquery.

  $("#anyDiv").html('<input id="id1"/>');


 $("#anyDiv").append('<input id="id2"/>');

Here's a js fiddle showing the example of adding 10 inputs using jQuery's append() function. I suggest only doing one addition per click as in user1301840's example though.


<div id="inputList"></div>
<input type="button" value="Add 10 Inputs" id="addInputs" />​


$('#addInputs').click(function() {
    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        $('#inputList').append('<input type="text" />');


While you already have answers, I thought I'd try and provide a non-jQuery solution:

function addInput(insertAt, formEl, num, inputType, defaultVal) {
    if (!formEl) {
        return false;
    else {
        num = num ? num : 5;
        var fieldset = document.createElement('fieldset'),
        for (var i = 0; i < num; i++) {
            newInput = document.createElement('input');
            newInput.value = defaultVal || '';
            newInput.type = inputType || 'text';
        formEl.insertBefore(fieldset, insertAt);

var formEl = document.getElementById('theForm'),
    aElem = document.getElementById('aElement');

if (window.addEventListener) {
    // up to date browsers
    aElement.addEventListener('click', function() {
        addInput(this, formEl, 10);
    }, false);
} else if (window.attachEvent) {
    // legacy IE, <9
    aElement.attachEvent('onclick', function() {
        addInput(this, formEl);

JS Fiddle demo .

I don't have IE to test, but the above should work with IE < 9 using the attachEvent fall-back, and >= 9, I think, implements the standard addEventListener() .


try use the JQuery .append() function

 $("form").append("<input />");

Yep, jquery is the way to go here.

$("<input type='text'>").appendTo("#someContainer");

Good luck.

The following example add input box at click a link:

<div id="start">
<a href="#" id="box">Add more fields</a>

    var add="";

<script type='text/javascript'>
    var counter = 1;
    var limit = 3;
    function addInput(divName) {

        var newdiv = document.createElement('div');
        newdiv.innerHTML = "<br><input type='text' name='myInputs" + counter + "'> <input type='text' name='myInputs" + counter + "'> <select><option value='88888'>888888888</option></select>";

<form method="POST">
    <div id="dynamicInput">

        <input type="button" value="Add another text input" onclick="addInput('dynamicInput');">

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