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Installing R packages for old R version without sudo privelages

I am running on a computer without sudo privileges with R version 2.13.1 installed, and I want to install a package (Rcpp). If I try to install the package via install.packages()

I get

 package ‘Rcpp’ is not available (for R version 2.13.1)

I think because by default in CRAN requires R version 2.15 and up.

I can't update my R version as I'm not superuser. Is there anyway way (without sudo) to install and old version of Rcpp for my old R version?

Can't you just install from source? You can download the older versions of Rccp from the package archive .

Read the help file ( ?install.packages ) for instructions, but basically you provide the path to the downloaded package and set repos to NULL . You may also need to specify a different lib path if you don't have sufficient privileges to install to the default R library.

I have not tried it, but you may also want to try this function which lets you specify the version of a package you want to install.

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