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Can't post in wall/logout from facebook in android

At the oficial facebook developers tutorial, they say posting in users Wall on facebook is as easy as writing this single line:

mFacebook.dialog(context, "feed", new PostDialogListener());

but when I try to use this, it keeps asking me to create the PostDialogListener class. Isn't that included with facebook sdk? where can I find this class?

and, to logout, I must use this:

mAsyncRunner.logout(getContext(), new RequestListener() {
public void onComplete(String response, Object state) {}

public void onIOException(IOException e, Object state) {}

public void onFileNotFoundException(FileNotFoundException e,
    Object state) {}

public void onMalformedURLException(MalformedURLException e,
    Object state) {}

public void onFacebookError(FacebookError e, Object state) {}

And then I'm asked to create getContext() method.

Facebook's tutorial is very incomplete, what must I do now? Thanks!

Edit: My facebook activity is very simple, i just connect and retrieve data from user, then pass it to another activity. I wat to implement a logout method, and also ask user to post on wall after login (that would be in another activity)

public class FacebookConnectActivity extends Activity {
private static final String TAG_JSON = "json";
Facebook facebook = new Facebook("12121212112");
AsyncFacebookRunner mAsyncRunner;
private SharedPreferences mPrefs;
JSONObject json;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    mPrefs = getPreferences(MODE_PRIVATE);
    String access_token = mPrefs.getString("access_token", null);
    long expires = mPrefs.getLong("access_expires", 0);
    if(access_token != null) {
    if(expires != 0) {

    if(!facebook.isSessionValid()) {

    facebook.authorize(this, new String[] {"email", "user_birthday",     "publish_actions"}, new DialogListener() {
        public void onComplete(Bundle values) {}

        public void onFacebookError(FacebookError error) {}

        public void onError(DialogError e) {}

        public void onCancel() {}   



public void logoutFB(){


public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
    facebook.authorizeCallback(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        json = Util.parseJson(facebook.request("me"));
        Log.e("FacebookConnect", "JSON " + json.toString());
    }catch (JSONException e) {
        Log.e("FacebookConnect", "JSONException " + e.toString());
    }catch(FacebookError fbe){
        Log.e("FacebookConnect", "FacebookError " + fbe.toString());
    }catch (Exception e){
        Log.e("FacebookConnect", "Exception " + e.toString());

    Intent a = new Intent(FacebookConnectActivity.this, FacebookDataProcess.class);
    a.putExtra(TAG_JSON, json.toString());

I think I've just got something that works:

in FacebookConnectActivity:

public static  void logoutFB(){

This method is called in a logoutbutton.onclick just like this:


Maybe it helps someone.

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