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Change pinax accounts theme


if you want to completely replace the bootstrap-based theme, you can remove pinax_theme_bootstrap from your INSTALLED_APPS and create your own templates. However, you most likely would want to just use pinax's theme for most templates and just customize the few that needs customizing, then just leave pinax_bootstrap_theme as it is and copy the template files from your site-packages/pinax_theme_bootstrap/templates/ directory to your own PROJECT_PATH/templates/ directory and customize it.

The templates that pinax provides for account app:

$ ls ../env/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pinax_theme_bootstrap/templates/account/ 
base.html             password_delete_done.html       password_set.html
email.html            password_delete.html            signup.html
language_change.html  password_reset_done.html        _signup_sidebar.html
login.html            password_reset_from_key.html    _terms.html
_login_sidebar.html   password_reset.html             timezone_change.html
logout.html           password_reset_key_message.txt  verification_sent.html
password_change.html  password_reset_message.txt

just copy one of those files to your own /templates/ directory for customizing.

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