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When is touchmove actually fired?

My initial assumption was that touchmove was fired on every pixel move, but in my tests it varies depending on the speed of the movement. Is there a defined specification for it's behaviour?

The touchmove event is part of the W3C touch events specification , which says:

Note that the rate at which the user agent sends touchmove events is implementation-defined, and may depend on hardware capabilities and other implementation details.

Touch events happen in this order.

  • touchstart
  • touchmove
  • touchend
  • then a delay...
  • mmouseover
  • mousemove
  • mousedown
  • mouseup
  • click
  • mouseout

Src: Bill Fisher @hotstudios

They have also developed a plugin called touchy that lets you control the touch events. https://github.com/HotStudio/touchy

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