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How can I append soy template return values as DOM nodes to the document body?

I am currently appending Google Closure Soy templates to the body of my HTML document via

var header = app.ui.templates.home.header();
document.body.innerHTML =
  header + app.ui.templates.home.bottom({
      "widgets": widgets,

However, I don't believe this is optimal since soy template constructors do not return DOM nodes. Hence, I cannot say call goog.dom.appendChild(header, someNewElementICreated); .

Is there a convenient way to convert a soy template (say header ) into a DOM node? I could just call goog.dom.$('idOfMyHeader') , but that would involve a browser reflow operation since a new DOM node is appended to the header after the header has already been displayed.

Is there a convenient way to convert a soy template (say header) into a DOM node?

Closure Templates can be rendered as DOM fragments using the Soy JavaScript library function soy.renderAsFragment .



var fragment = soy.renderAsFragment(app.ui.templates.myTemplate, null /*data*/);
    /** @type {Node} */ (fragment));


{namespace app.ui.templates}

{template .myTemplate}

Since the rendered template in this case is an Element Node, it may be cast to a Node and appended to the DOM. However, it is more common to use div elements as placeholders and setting the innerHTML attribute.

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