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Trying to get javascript variable in vb.net codebehind

I have a function where I am trying to get the username and password that the user entered. It IS being stored in "unixName" and "unixPass" on the client side. I have dUnixName and dUnixPass which one is a hidden input and the other is a label. They are different because I was playing around with different ways at getting this to work.

<script type="text/javascript">
//        Internet Explorer/Firefox needs this script to show radio selection after Modal Popup
function enableRDO() {
    document.getElementById("rdoUnix").checked = true;
   // document.getElementById("dUnixName").value = document.getElementById("unixName").value;
    //document.getElementById("dUnixPass").value = document.getElementById("unixPass").value;
    document.getElementById('<%=dUnixName.ClientID %>').value = document.getElementById("unixName").value;
    document.getElementById('<%=dUnixPass.ClientID %>').value = document.getElementById("unixPass").value;
    return true;

If I understand correctly: You have a value in javascript that you want to pass back to the server on a post back? Thats no problem, store the value in a an ASP:HiddenField and read it out in code behind. If I misunderstood your question let me know.

See: Access an asp:hiddenfield control in JavaScript


<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function test() {
            alert(document.getElementById('<%=txtBox.ClientID %>').value);

            return false;
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
        <asp:TextBox ID="txtBox" runat="server" />
        <button onclick='test()'>Client Side Test</button>

    <asp:Button ID="btnServer" runat="server" Text="Server Side Test" 
        onclick="btnServer_Click" style="height: 26px" />

protected void btnServer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //read value here
    string test = txtBox.Text;

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