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Real-time jquery popup based on php return values

Im having a php program that will calculate the time difference and return the value in minutes.

for the message popup i use jGrowl

so what i would like to do is get the return value and if its less than 30 minutes display the jquery message.

and most importantly it should be running live. so if a user is in a page without navigating or refreshing, if the time is less than 30 minutes the popup should appear real-time.

can someone please suggest me how to use the return value to achieve the above requirement?

Below if the code that im using to calcutale the time differnce

    function time($dbtime, $currtime)
        //format year-month-day hour:min:secs
        $current = strtotime($currtime);
        $indb = strtotime($dbtime);
        $minits =  round(abs($current - $indb) / 60,2);

        return $minits;

currently im poping up only the messages on date

<script type="text/javascript">



                // jGrowl
                if ($.fn.jGrowl) {
                    // This value can be true, false or a function to be used as a callback when the closer is clciked
                            $.jGrowl.defaults.closer = function() {
                                console.log("Closing everything!", this);

                            // A callback for logging notifications.
                            $.jGrowl.defaults.log = function(e,m,o) {
                                $('#logs').append("<div><strong>#" + $(e).attr('id') + "</strong> <em>" + (new Date()).getTime() + "</em>: " + m + " (" + o.theme + ")</div>")

                            <?php foreach ($dailies as $daily):?>
                            $.jGrowl("<?php echo $daily['calendars'][0]['Title']?>", { header: 'At <?php echo $daily['calendars'][0]['Start'];?>', sticky: true });

                            <?php endforeach;?>

                            $.jGrowl.defaults.closerTemplate = '<div>hide everything</div>';




Have a php script that takes passed parameters, in this case the two times. Write the script to return the results as JSON. This is the part I assume you already have done. If you don't have the results returning as as JSON string you can read up on JSON here .

In your webpage, make the request with javascript & ajax. Basically, when the user clicks a button, send the info asynchronously to your php script, and when the response is received display the inf to the user. You can read up on Javascript & Ajax here .

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