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How to resolve this conflict with jQuery

Can anyone please help me resolve this conflict with my javascript validation?

The form does not submit. But if I remove onsubmit="return btnSubmitPD_OnClick() it redirect the form correctly. But of course I need that function.

Here's my code:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$('#Submit').click(function() {
    var emailVal = $('#email').val();
    $.post('checkemail.php', {'email' : emailVal}, function(data) {
        if(data=='exist') {
            alert('in'); return false;

<script type="text/javascript"> 
function appIsEmail(str){
    var at="@";
    var dot=".";
    var lat=str.indexOf(at);
    var lstr=str.length;
    var ldot=str.indexOf(dot);
    if (str.indexOf(at)==-1) return false; 

    if (str.indexOf(at)==-1 || str.indexOf(at)==0 || str.indexOf(at)==lstr) return false;
    if (str.indexOf(dot)==-1 || str.indexOf(dot)==0 || str.indexOf(dot)==lstr) return false;
    if (str.indexOf(at,(lat+1))!=-1) return false;
    if (str.substring(lat-1,lat)==dot || str.substring(lat+1,lat+2)==dot) return false;
    if (str.indexOf(dot,(lat+2))==-1) return false;
    if (str.indexOf(" ")!=-1) return false;

     return true;

function btnSubmitPD_OnClick(){
    frmReg = document.getElementById("form1");

    if (!appIsEmail(frmReg.email.value)){
        alert("Please enter a valid email address!");
        return false;        

    return true;
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="view.php" onsubmit="return btnSubmitPD_OnClick()">
    <input type="text" name="email" id="email" />
    <input type="button" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Submit" />

Several Things:

It is better to bind a submit event to your form, rather than a click event on your submit button, this is to cater for cases where users press enter on the email text field:

$('#form1').submit(function() { // change from $('#Submit').click

Then inside the new submit handler, you call call the email validation method:

var emailVal = $('#email').val();
if(btnSubmitPD_OnClick() === false) return false;

Then, to avoid infinite submit loop, you need to change:



            $('#form1')[0].submit(); // native submit on form element

Or as mplungjan noted in his comment, simply change your

<input type="button" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Submit" />

To use type="submit"

<input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Submit" />

And add

if(btnSubmitPD_OnClick() === false) return false;

Before your call to $.post

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