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Get Parent Category Id in Sub Category Page - Magento

I need a small line of code. I have a category like

  • Cat-1
    • Sub-Cat-1
    • Sub-Cat-2
  • Cat-2
    • Sub-Cat-3
    • Sub-Cat-4

In Sub-Cats page i need to get Root category's Id. Like In "Sub-Cat-1" i need to get "Cat-1's" ID. You can say in children category page, i need parent category's Id. act i am using short url like "abc.com/Sub-Cat-1", nither index.php nor root category in URL. I am using Magento-1.4.1. Please help me. Thanks in advance.


echo $cat_idd = $this->getCurrentCategory()->getParentCategory()->getId(); 


echo $subCategory->getParentId();
// to get the category ID by product id

$productObj = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($product_id);
$categoryIds =  $productObj->getCategoryIds();
//Display all categories.

function get_categories(){

    $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category'); 
    $tree = $category->getTreeModel(); 
    $ids = $tree->getCollection()->getAllIds(); 
    $arr = array();
        if ($ids){ 
            foreach ($ids as $id){ 
                $cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category'); 
                $arr[$id] = $cat->getName();

return $arr;


 $arr =  get_categories();
 $arr = array_flip($arr);

//print the array 

Hope it will help someone.

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