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.click() after page load

I am trying url persistence for the first time, and after a page load, I have the elements that I want to click from the URL. When I load the page, the .click() does not register, but if i type it in the console, it performs correctly. I have tried placing the code(specifically the (function persistence(formvals){...})(); ) in the (document).ready(function(){...}) section, but that did not work. How do I get the .click() to register AFTER the page load, and on each element that should be clicked?

url: http://specialorange.org/resume/index.html?gc_abstract_heading&gc_ba_analysis

the two ids of these sections are : gc_abstract_heading and gc_ba_analysis , so $(gc_abstract_heading).click() in the console works, just not in the code.


var formvals = {};
var keyval = location.search.replace('?', '').split('&');
$.each(keyval, function () {
    var splitval = this.split('=');
    formvals[splitval[0]] = splitval[1];

(function persistence(formvals) {
    for ( i=0 ; i < keyval.length ; i++ ) {

Please note that this code is not on the live page, it is on my local site for testing. The persistence section on the live page is different.

Try this:

$(document).ready(function () {
    var formvals = {};
    var keyval = location.search.replace('?', '').split('&');
    for (var i = 0; i < keyval.length; i++) {
        console.log('Trigger click on: '+keyval[i]);

First I've added document-ready, so the function does not fire until it's ready. Second; the click-handler need # as a prefix if the name in the url points towards an id. If it's a class you change # with . .



you must call persistence() on document load (or ready) and also the formvals declaration:

function persistence(formvals) {
    for ( i=0 ; i < keyval.length ; i++ ) {

$(function() {
    var formvals = {};
    var keyval = location.search.replace('?', '').split('&');
    $.each(keyval, function () {
        var splitval = this.split('=');
        formvals[splitval[0]] = splitval[1];



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