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Magento Get Selected Filter In Layered Navigation

在 Magento 中,如果在分层导航中选择“颜色”属性,“颜色”的值会自动消失并显示结果。如何检索所选过滤器的名称?

All the applied filters are stored in layer state object. You can easily retrieve them by using the following snippet:

$appliedFilters = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getState()->getFilters();

It will return you an array of filter item objects. You can retrieve name and applied value of a single filter item by doing something like this:

foreach ($appliedFilters as $item) {
    $item->getName(); // Name of the filter
    $item->getLabel(); // Currently selected value
    $item->getFilter()->getRequestVar(); // Filter code (usually attribute code, except category filter, where it equals "cat")

You can get filter's attribute code or id through this code:

$appliedFilters = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getState()->getFilters();
foreach ($appliedFilters as $item) {
    echo $item->getFilter()->getAttributeModel()->getAttributeId();
    echo $item->getFilter()->getAttributeModel()->getAttributeCode();

在 Magento 2 中: $this->getLayer()->getState()->getData("filters")

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