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Load view into navigation view controller when table cell is pressed

I have an iOS app which is using storyboard (and ARC for that matter). Now in that app i have a tab view, where one of the tabs leads to a table view found within a UINavigationController. Up to this point, loading views was 100% handled by segues in the storyboard. Now in the table view, I have some cells which I create programatically, and i want them to lead to a different view (which will also be in the UINavigationController). Now they always lead to the SAME view, just pass different information when pressed (that i have already taken care of). The thing is, I can't menage to do it in the storyboard, because the cells are created programatically...

So is there a way to do this using storyboard? If not, how may I accomplish this programatically?

A picture is attached to make the organisation of the storyboard clearer. 在此处输入图片说明

Thankyou for any support!

Create a push-style segue in the storyboard between the two controllers and give it a name. When the user selects a cell, use performSegueWithIdentifier:sender: to trigger the transition.

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