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How do I install an app into the data/app folder instead of the system/app folder in an AOSP build?

I put my application folder in

packages/apps  // inside AOSP source code

Now my application has following Android.mk in the same folder:

LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)


LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(call all-java-files-under, src)

LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME := package_name

include $(BUILD_PACKAGE)

# Use the folloing include to make our test app
include $(call all-makefiles-under,$(LOCAL_PATH))

Now when I build my AOSP project, it also compiles my application and puts the APK file inside:


But I want to put it in:


How do I do this? What make file do I change?



Basically, the android AOSP build system doesn't build anything into /data. The idea of the /data partition is that it's user data, and that it will be shipped from the factory empty (and deleted entirely on a device reset). If you want to install something into /data you do it after install using "adb install" or any other mechanism.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

You can take help of some other system app. Copy your target app which need to be installed in /data in say /system/usr/share

   device/<your platform> /extras/usr/share/<target app>:system/usr/share/<target app name> \

write above rule in device/platform/<platform specific mk > Now using some other system level app you can check whether your app is installed or not. If not installed install it via package manager by giving above path system/usr/share/<target app name>

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