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How to customize the form in the edit view of a resource in Rails active_admin?

I have a form in the edit view in my rails app and this edit view is that of a resource in the active_admin directory.

I know active admin used formtastic I cannot find a view template for the edit view.

If I want to change the form so that a field has a drop down menu instead of a type-in field. Where and how can I set this?



Inside of app/admin/model_name.rb

ActiveAdmin.register ModelName do
  form do |f|
    f.inputs "ModelName" do
      f.input :title, :required => true
      f.input :name
      # ... other inputs ...
      f.input :foo, :as => :select, :collection => ModelName.all.map{ |x| [x.title, x.id] }

How it's done:

:as => :select

creates a select input

:collection => [ [text, value], [text, value] ...]

represent the options in the select input.

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