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Drupal: How to override a function from a contrib module

I am using a module that builds a price table for Drupal Commerce items. There is a function that formats the table headers:

 * Helper function that takes care of the quantity displayed in the headers of 
 * the price table.
function commerce_price_table_display_quantity_headers($item) {
  // Set the quantity text to unlimited if it's -1.
  $max_qty = $item['max_qty'] == -1 ? t('Unlimited') : $item['max_qty'];
  // If max and min qtys are the same, only show one.
  if ($item['min_qty'] == $max_qty) {
    $quantity_text = $item['min_qty'];
  else {
    $quantity_text = $item['min_qty'] . ' - ' . $max_qty;
  return $quantity_text;

As you can see, this is not a theme function where I can override it in template.php but I can to tweak some of the output.

How can I redefine this function so I can chop and change a few things?

My work so far...

So far, I have tried to create it as a seperate module with a few subtle changes to show if it's working or not, but it's not overriding any of the output.

Info file

; $id$
name = Price Table: Tweaked Display
description = A different layout for the price table as shown on the product display nodes
package = Commerce (contrib)
core = 7.x

dependencies[] = commerce_product
dependencies[] = commerce_price
dependencies[] = commerce_price_table

Module File

 * Override of the helper function that takes care of the quantity displayed in the headers of 
 * the price table.
function commerce_table_tweak_display_quantity_headers($item) {
  // Set the quantity text to unlimited if it's -1.
  $max_qty = $item['max_qty'] == -1 ? t('Unlimited gnhh') : $item['max_qty'];
  // If max and min qtys are the same, only show one.
  if ($item['min_qty'] == $max_qty) {
    $quantity_text = $item['min_qty'];
  else {
    $quantity_text = $item['min_qty'] . ' - this is working - ' . $max_qty;
  return $quantity_text;

我相信大多数drupal模块都有一个hook_function(或者至少是那些可钩的),我不会做太多事情,因此我会在drupal api中搜索如何钩函数以及模块是否支持它。

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