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Missing EventToCommand behaviour in mvvmlight for Windows 8 - Work Around?

Question says it all really :)

I'm writing a Windows 8 app in XAML/C# using MVVM Light and I've noticed the EventToCommand feature hasn't been implemented yet.

Are there any work arounds for this that anybody can suggest?


You can now accomplish what EventToCommand used to do using the Behaviors SDK (XAML) for Visual Studio 2013 , without using other tools, (@localJoost 's WinRTBehaviors is deprecated now after it helped all of us those times) :


An example of its use would be as follows :

<Slider x:Name="Sl_VolumeSilder">
            <Core:EventTriggerBehavior EventName="ValueChanged">
                <Core:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding OnSliderValueChangedCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding ElementName=Sl_VolumeSilder, Path=Value}"/>

Where Interactivity and Core are referenced :


查看LocalJoost使用Reactive Extensions编写的EventToCommand行为: http ://dotnetbyexample.blogspot.be/2012/07/a-winrt-behavior-to-mimic-eventtocommand.html

I just did a blog post on that exact issue see my entry here.


Uses WinRTBehaviors and Win8nl from @localJoost

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