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Is there a better way to write this Show/hide JQuery code?

Ok, I finally got it to work the way I want it too.

I needed it to have different buttons for show/hide and to hide if another DIV is asked to be shown, also I needed to place my a tags away from my DIV tags as well as add and remove the class active. But, even though it works, I know it's really messy.

Here's a link: http://jsfiddle.net/qKWC8/24/

Here's the JS:

$(document).ready(function() {

    // Feature box 1

    $('#show1').click(function() {

    $('#hide1').click(function() {

    // Feature box 2

    $('#show2').click(function() {

    $('#hide2').click(function() {

    // Feature box 3

    $('#show3').click(function() {

    $('#hide3').click(function() {

    // Feature box 4

    $('#show4').click(function() {

    $('#hide4').click(function() {

    // Feature box 5

    $('#show5').click(function() {

    $('#hide5').click(function() {

    // Feature box 6

    $('#show6').click(function() {

    $('#hide6').click(function() {

Here's the HTML:

<a href="#" id="show1">Show</a>
<a href="#" id="show2">Show</a>
<a href="#" id="show3">Show</a>
<a href="#" id="show4">Show</a>
<a href="#" id="show5">Show</a>
<a href="#" id="show6">Show</a>

<div id="feature-1">
    Fill this space with really interesting content 1. <a href="#" id="hide1">Hide</a>

<div id="feature-2">
    Fill this space with really interesting content 2. <a href="#" id="hide2">Hide</a>

<div id="feature-3">
    Fill this space with really interesting content 3. <a href="#" id="hide3">Hide</a>

<div id="feature-4">
    Fill this space with really interesting content 4. <a href="#" id="hide4">Hide</a>

<div id="feature-5">
    Fill this space with really interesting content 5. <a href="#" id="hide5">Hide</a>

<div id="feature-6">
    Fill this space with really interesting content 6. <a href="#" id="hide6">Hide</a>

Here's the CSS:

#feature-1,#feature-2,#feature-3,#feature-4,#feature-5,#feature-6 {
    background-color: #99CCFF;
    border-bottom:5px solid #3399FF;
    display: none;

There's almost always a better way... ;)


    $("#links a").click(function(){
        $("#features div").eq($(this).index()).show();

HTML: (I slightly changed your HTML structure)

<div id="links">
    <a href="#">Show</a>
    <a href="#">Show</a>

<div id="features">
    <div class="feature">
        Fill this space with really interesting content 1. <a href="#" class="hide">Hide</a>
    <div class="feature">
        Fill this space with really interesting content 2. <a href="#" class="hide">Hide</a>

DEMO (JSFiddle)

You can use classes instead of the IDs. Based on your current markup, I have minified your code, try the following:

$(document).ready(function() {

    $('a[id^=show]').click(function() {
        var which = this.id.slice(-1);

    $('a[id^=hide]').click(function() {
        var which = this.id.slice(-1);



<a href="#" onclick="myfunction('show1','feature-1')" class="anchors" id="show1">Show</a>
<a href="#" onclick="myfunction('show2','feature-2')" class="anchors" id="show2">Show</a>
<a href="#" onclick="myfunction('show3','feature-3')" class="anchors" id="show3">Show</a>
<a href="#" onclick="myfunction('show4','feature-4')" class="anchors" id="show4">Show</a>
<a href="#" onclick="myfunction('show5','feature-5')" class="anchors" id="show5">Show</a>
<a href="#" onclick="myfunction('show6','feature-6')" class="anchors" id="show6">Show</a>

<div class="features" id="feature-1">
Fill this space with really interesting content 1. <a href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().hide();">Hide</a>

<div class="features"  id="feature-2">
Fill this space with really interesting content 2. <a href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().hide();">Hide</a>

<div class="features" id="feature-3">
Fill this space with really interesting content 3. <a href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().hide();">Hide</a>

<div class="features" id="feature-4">
Fill this space with really interesting content 4. <a href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().hide();">Hide</a>

<div class="features" id="feature-5">
Fill this space with really interesting content 5. <a href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().hide();">Hide</a>

<div class="features" id="feature-6">
Fill this space with really interesting content 6. <a href="#" onclick="$(this).parent().hide();">Hide</a>
/// javascript

function myfunction(anchor_id, feature_id){

i have minimize some of your JS code hope so it will be helpful for you

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