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how to clear the textarea in onpaste method?

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function onPasteMe(pObj) 
// validate  pasted text     
var input  = window.clipboardData.getData('Text'); 
document.getElementById("txt1").value = input ;
var m= stripCharacters(input,pObj) ;
 var n=input.split(/\r/g).length; 

function stripCharacters(input,pObj) {
var r = new RegExp("[^\\s\\r\\t\\n0-9]", "g");
var find = input.match(r) ;      
 alert('String contains both alpha-numeric or your pre-defined special characters!');  
 pObj.innerHTML = ""; 
 return false; 
 return true; 
<textarea cols=19 id = "txt1" onPaste="onPasteMe(this);"></textarea>

if i paste numbers in the text area like 1233445 the pasted value should present in the text area, but if i pasted values like assdfsdf 123243' or 2313adsdad the text area should get clear automatically???

i used below codes but its not worked for me please help,
pObj.innerHTML = "";
document.getElementById("txt1").value =""; 
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script type="text/javascript">
function onPasteMe(pObj) 
// validate  pasted text     
var input  = window.clipboardData.getData('Text'); 
document.getElementById("txt1").value = input ;
var m= stripCharacters(input,pObj) ;
 var n=input.split(/\r/g).length; 
    return false;

function stripCharacters(input,pObj) {
var r = new RegExp("[^\\s\\r\\t\\n0-9]", "g");
var find = input.match(r) ;      
 alert('String contains both alpha-numeric or your pre-defined special characters!');  
 pObj.value = ""; 
 return false; 
 return true; 
<textarea cols=19 id = "txt1" onPaste="return onPasteMe(this);"></textarea>
  1. you should use pObj.value="" to empty the textarea.
  2. you need return false for onPaste() function.

First, onPaste isn't fully supported
Reference: JavaScript get clipboard data on paste event (Cross browser)

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