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Parsing XML with multiple namespaces

So I wanted to parse this XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <requestContactResponse xmlns="http://webservice.foo.com">
        <errorCode xsi:nil="true"/>
        <errorDesc xsi:nil="true"/>

Specifically I want to get the value of the tag <id>

This is what I tried:

$dom = new DOMDocument;
$dom->children('soapenv', true)->Envelope->children('soapenv', true)->Body->children()->requestContactResponse->requestContactReturn->id;

But I get this error message:

PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method DOMDocument::children()

I've also tried to use simpleXML:

$sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$sxe->children('soapenv', true)->Envelope->children('soapenv', true)->Body->children()->requestContactResponse->requestContactReturn->id;

But I get this other error message:

PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object

Last solution I've tried:

$sxe = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
$elements = $sxe->children("soapenv", true)->Body->requestContactResponse->requestContactReturn;

foreach($elements as $element) {
    echo "|-$element->id-|";

This time the error message was:

Invalid argument supplied for foreach() 

Any suggestions?

The poorly documented fact in play here is that when you select a namespace with ->children , it remains in effect for descendent nodes .

So when you ask for $sxe->children("soapenv", true)->Body->requestContactResponse , SimpleXML assumes you are still talking about the "soapenv" namespace, so is looking for the element <soapenv:requestContactResponse> , which doesn't exist.

To switch back to the default namespace, you need to call ->children again, with a NULL namespace:

$sx->children("soapenv", true)->Body->children(NULL)->requestContactResponse->requestContactReturn->id

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