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create new object in rails3 using multimodel form

I am n00b as rails is concerned. I am trying yo create a single multimodel form in my first rails3 project. Details are given below:

class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
  # attr_accessible :title, :body
  has_many :item_reviews, :dependent => :destroy
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :item_reviews


class ItemReview < ActiveRecord::Base
  # attr_accessible :title, :body
  belongs_to :item

So as clear, an item can have multiple reviews but when I am creating an item, I want at least 1 review for it. So I want to get item and first review in single form while item creation.

I am using following view:

<h1> Add an Item review</h1>

<div class="row">
  <div class="span6 offset3">
    <%= form_for (@item) do |f| %>

      <%= f.label :name %>
      <%= f.text_field :name %>

      <% f.fields_for :item_reviews, @item.item_reviews do |ff| %>
        <%= ff.label :shop_address %>
        <%= ff.text_field :shop_address %>
      <% end %>

      <%= f.submit "Submit", class: "btn btn-large btn-primary" %>

    <% end %>


<% f.fields_for :item_reviews, @item.item_reviews do |ff| %> <% f.fields_for :item_reviews, @item.item_reviews do |ff| %> will not work because there is not item_review associated with @item currently ( @item = Item.new ) Until I save @item, I can't create new item_review. What should I do in that case.

I know one possibility is model independent form but can't I use something above to make life easy.

PS: I am using bootstrap, just in case if that helps.

There is some way to achieve an instance with item reviews. The key is to create an instance with some of nested instances without actual saving

@item = Item.new

and then in your form

form_for @item do |f|
  f.fields_for :item_reviews do |ff|

with this code an instance of review is present and you can render form

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