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Rails 3.2 Gemified Engines: Reaching modules inside a mounted gemified engine

I'm working on an infrastructure for Rails application and I'm trying to take something out of someones existing project. I am sort of new to rails but I read the guides on plugins and engines ect..

So I have a gemified Engine, containing some module. I have a model say SharedPost trying to extend said module and I'm getting the uninitialized constant error

uninitialized constant Stake::SharedPost

Here's some of what my engine looks like:

#file: lib/stake/shared_post.rb
module Stake
  module SharedPost

#file: lib/stake/engine.rb    
module Stake
  class Engine < ::Rails::Engine
    isolate_namespace Stake


And in the main app I've got

#file: Gemfile
gem 'stake'

#file: config/routes.rb
Pop::Application.routes.draw do
  root :to => 'home#index'

  mount Stake::Engine, :at => '/stake'

#file: app/models/posted.rb
class Posted < ActiveRecord::Base
  extend Stake::SharedPost

The main application will load, though with no available data on it. While I try to run

rake db:seed

for example when trying to load the Posted model I get the error uninitialized constant Stake::SharedPost

What am I missing to get access to my gem's namespaced modules?

EDIT: I've read into the acts_as pattern and that doesn't seem to be the cleanest way of doing things, plus I'm not sure how to implement that onto my engine. Is there another solution?

In lib/stake.rb are you including the lib/stake/shared_post.rb file?

It should look something like this:

# file lib/stake.rb

require "stake/shared_post.rb"

module stake

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