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How to yank the current line and the line above it in Vim?

What I need is to yank the current line and the line just above it.

For instance, in the following example:

3   My test line
4   Line above current line
5   My current line |(cursor)
6   Line below current line

How do I yank lines 5 and 4 when my cursor is located on line 5?

y k should do it, as in Yank in the direction of up one line , since y will accept the next keystroke as a motion, and k alone represents motion up one line.

If you need your cursor to return to its original position, just add a j as y k j . You will probably see the cursor move inelegantly on screen, but it gets the job done.

For this simple case, yk will do the trick. This is yank followed by a motion of up one line .

Generally, use yNk , eg y3k to yank the current line and the preceding 3 lines.

If you need to return to the cursor position after the yank, set a mark and return to the mark after the yk :


If you need only remain on the same line where you began the yank, not the same cursor position, ykj is shorter.

In addition to the Normal mode commands already mentioned in other answers, one can use the :yank Ex command on a corresponding range of lines. For example, to copy the current line along with the line above it (without moving the cursor) run


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