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how to install wkhtmltopdf on wamp with windows 7 os

Am working on this invoice page with textboxes where users enter numbers into them to get their orders. Now I use wamp on Windows 7 OS and I am trying to convert the page after the user have entered their figures to pdf and save it in a folder then output it in another window for viewing.

So far I have not been able to do much and it's driving me crazy for the past 2 weeks. Please, I need suggestions, really appreciate it.

Here is what I want and need to do:

  1. Save the page as it is in html including the values in the text boxes.
  2. Convert the saved page to pdf and store in a directory.
  3. Email the pdf to user.

code so far

  1. saving page html

     function printPDF() { var h = '<style></style>'+$('#article').html(); var html = '<html><body><scr'+'ipt>'; html += 'var form = document.createElement("form");'; html += 'form.setAttribute("method","post");'; html += 'form.setAttribute("action","/ajax/pdf/");'; html += 'var h = document.createElement("input");'; html += 'h.setAttribute("type","hidden");'; html += 'h.setAttribute("name","html");'; html += 'h.setAttribute("value","'+escape(h)+'");'; html += 'form.appendChild(h);'; html += 'document.body.appendChild(form);'; html += 'form.submit();'; html += '</sc'+'ript></body></html>'; var w = window.open('',''); w.document.write(html); w.document.close(); } 

but the problem is that it has to open a new window everytime and i dont want that i want it to be submitted at the background via ajax/jquery, secondly the created html document doesnt have the values in the textboxes they are all cleard.

  1. convert page to pdf and store in directory

     $filepath = '/www/html/'; $pdfpath = '/www/pdf/'; $filename = date('YmdHisu'); $html = urldecode($_POST['html']); file_put_contents($filepath.$filename.'.html',$html); $pdfcmd = 'wkhtmltopdf.sh '.$filepath.$filename.'.html '.$pdfpath.$filename.'.pdf --disable-javascript'; exec($pdfcmd); if ($fd = fopen($pdfpath.$filename.'.pdf','r')) { $fsize = filesize($pdfpath.$filename.'.pdf'); header('Content-type: application/pdf'); header('Content-length: '.$fsize); header('Cache-control: private'); while(!feof($fd)) { $buffer = fread($fd, 2048); echo $buffer; } fclose($fd); } unlink($filepath.$filename.'.html'); 

have also used a wrapper i got for wkhtmltopdf but none seems to work

As for the title of the question: Download the latest windows installer from The wkhtmltopdf download site .

Please ask a lot more specific question. To me this looks like you are looking for a ready made solution to use rather than an answer to a specific question. Try going through the problems you are facing one step at a time and every time you encounter a problem, ask a specific question.

Start with something like: Can you install wkhtmltopdf? Can you call it from command line? Can you call it from PHP using static HTML files? etc. etc.

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