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Create JIRA issue via SOAP API and PHP

I cannot create an issue via the SOAP API in PHP. I tried this:

$soapClient = new SoapClient("http://jira:9090/rpc/soap/jirasoapservice-v2?wsdl");
$token = $soapClient->login('user', 'pass');
$soapClient->createIssue($token, $issue);

But when I run this script, the new issue is not created in JIRA. Can somebody help me with this problem?

Make sure that:

  • the project name is correct
  • issue type number 3 exists and contains all those fields
  • user1 (from the issue fields) has permissions to be assignee and reporter for this project (try to do it manually)
  • user (from the authentication) has permissions to create new issues in this project (log in manually with the user and try to create an issue)

The duedate'=>time() is working fine for me. Actually, I took your code, changed the project,reporter and assingee names and it worked for me, under Jira 4.4.4 .

The weird thing is that if there was a problem you were suppose to get an error, how are you trying to execute the php file? try to run it manually to check for errors. To do that create a PHP file with the following header:


give it running permissions chmod +x myscript.php and execute it ./myscript.php . If you are running it from your web server check /var/log/httpd/error_log for errors. Make sure you have the SOAP installed :

[root@localhost]# cat /etc/php.d/soap.ini
; Enable soap extension module

If you find any error update the question.

Your issue query must be an object

$issueQuery = new stdClass;

All your fields must be in an array

$customFields = array();

Your customfields must be an object

$fieldOBJ = new stdClass;
$fieldOBJ->customfieldId = 'customfield_10237';
$fieldOBJ->key = '';
$fieldOBJ->values = array(utf8_encode($value));

Add it to the array

$customFields[] = $fieldOBJ;

Add the custom fields to the issue query (and other main fields)

$issueQuery->customFieldValues = $customFields;

Create the issue ($token is your connection)

$issueCreated = $soapClient->createIssue($token, $demande);

Thats it! The $issueCreated will be the returned issue Key

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