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Magento: Select Customer Group at Registration

Trying to add a group_id radio button set in Magento Pro v1.11

Following along with
http://phpmagento.blogspot.com/2012/01/how-to-show-customer-group-selecter-in.html and
http://developersindia.info/magento/magento-override-frontend-controller.html ,
which is working to a point, but the group_id is not getting written to the db.

my module, thus far:

Directory Structure

-- Customer
--- controllers
---- AccountController.php
--- etc
---- config.xml


                        <WACI_Customer before="Mage_Customer_AccountController">


 *Customer account controller
 * @package     WACI_Customer

require_once Mage::getModuleDir('controllers', 'Mage_Customer').DS.'AccountController.php';

class WACI_Customer_AccountController extends Mage_Customer_AccountController

    * Create customer account action
    public function createPostAction()

// contents of createPostAction(), with some extra logic

             * Initialize customer group id

            /* catch groupid at account creation */

            } else {

 // rest of method




<div class="input-box">
    <label for="group_id"><?php echo $this->__('Select your customer group') ?></label><br />
        $groups = Mage::helper('customer')->getGroups()->toOptionArray();
        foreach ($groups as $group){
            echo '<input type="radio" name="group_id" value="'.$group['value'].'" class="validate-radio" >'.$group['label'].'</input><br/>';

So, the radio buttons with the groups show up fine at registration, but the data isn't being written to the db, as group still shows as general in the admin/manage customers

  • I don't really want to modify core files, as the article describes,
  • I'm not certain that I'm properly overwriting the mage accountController class (maybe theres a better way to do this?)

What am I mucking up?

See below URL I think it is very help full to you.

How to let customer choose customer group at registration


selecting customer group during registration in magento


How to Add Customer Group field while register in magento


How to add group in register form


Check your config.xml:

                    <WACI_Customer before="Mage_Customer_AccountController">

Should be:

                    <WACI_Customer before="Mage_Customer">WACI_Customer</WACI_Customer>

You also need to pay attention with:

<WACI_Customer before="Mage_Customer">WACI_Customer</WACI_Customer>


<WACI_Customer before="Mage_Customer">

You have to make sure no empty spaces between <tag> and content and </tag>

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