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Assign new variable to smarty while in {php}

Currently I am in a template and need {php} to read something from the Model/Database. This shall now be a new smarty variable within the current template. How do I solve this?


   $var["newSmartyVar"] = model_gimme_data();

The value is {$newSmartyVar} !

What's the correct code here?

(Yee, uncommon and not abstract but only needed for rapid prototyping. The code will go in the Controller later on.)

$this refers to the current smarty instance:

$this->assign('foo', 'bar');

you should, however, avoid {php} like the plague. Using {php} is a sign of missing abstraction. You could look into creating a function plugin instead.

global $currentTemplate;
$var = model_gimme_data();

to get something from the model:

global $currentTemplate;

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