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Devise Gem in Ruby on Rails Reset password link?

I am using the Devise gem and I have an initializer to setup mail as below:

   ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = {
       :enable_starttls_auto => true,
       :address            => 'smtp.gmail.com',
       :port               => 587,
       :domain             => 'mydomain.com',
       :authentication     => 'plain',
       :user_name          => 'info@mydomain.com',
       :password           => 'password' 

In devise.rb I have also set the following:

config.mailer_sender = "info@mydomain.com"

The problem I have is that when I try sent the "Forgot your password" email. My application does send the email but the link to allow me to reset the email contains the gmail domain, as follows:


I obviously need that domain to be my application's domain so the user can reset their password. What do I need to change?

Weird configuration, I usually simply set:

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => "example.com" }

In my production or development .rb file

Just understood, config.mailer_sender = "info@mydomain.com" is meant to fill in your from field.

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