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How protect page against High Tech CRSF

Technology range: PHP, MySQL, Apache, javascript, ajax.


User is logged into his secure page.

Page uses a random token and random name. (For Input)

   <input name="random_name" value="random_token" />

Random_name and Random_token are stored in user SESSION.

Script checks header (HTTP 1.1 - referrer).

In my opinion these methods can't protected me vs Ajax (Page output) analysing.

Ajax (Page output) analyse:

User was visit a bad page.

After loaded page, Ajax made a connection (with a prepared HTTP referrer header) to his page. And download data.

Parse output (inputs).

And after successful parse.

Create own request with, Random_name, Random_token and prepared referrer header.

Security system accepted this action. (Referrer - OK, Token - OK)

How do I avoid it?

When XMLHttpRequest was designed, this scenario was already token into account. The result was that XMLHttpRequest level 1 (historic) did not allow any cross-origin request at all. And with XMLHttpRequest level 2 (current), a client is only allowed to read the response to a cross-origin request if the server allows it according to the Cross-Origin Request Sharing .

So unless the request originates from the same origin or you allow any origin, a client is not allowed to read the response.

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