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Batch file to download a file from FTP

i want to download the "abcd.txt" file 'n' times with step of 2 mins. Following is the batch (with ftp script in it) file i've created to download a file from FTP.

@ftp -i -s:"%~f0"&GOTO:DOWNLOAD_AGAIN
!:--- FTP commands below here ---
cd /data/
get abcd.txt

The problem is, 1) Above batch file does not wait for 2 mins, it immediately starts downloading the file again. 2) I dont know how to restrict it to download only 'n' times.

Any help! Thanks!

PING can be used to delay execution for a number of seconds. If specified (-w switch), PING will wait for a number of milliseconds between two pings before giving a time-out.

ie PING -n 6 for a 5 seconds delay. or PING -n 1 -w 60000 >NUL will delay execution of the next command 60 seconds, provided is not a valid IP address

Also you can use TIMEOUT 120 will delay execution of the next command by 120 seconds

And for running batch for n times you can do

FOR /L %i IN (1,1,n) DO (
       //to stuff

The 1,1,n is decoded as:


抓住Unix Utilities端口 ,那里有一个有用的sleep程序,它可以让您延迟脚本。

You can use CHOICE 's timeout to wait:

CHOICE /C XY /D X /T 120 > NUL

(offer a prompt choice of X or Y, default to X in 120 seconds & return, hide choice by directing to nul)

In addition to Kaushal's answer, if you're on Vista/7, you may use


instead of ping to have the script pause for 2 minutes.

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