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Scheme Binary Search Tree Error (R5RS)

I am completely new to Scheme and functional languages in general. I am trying to create a binary search tree. The format of a node is a list of three elements, the first being the value at the node, the second being the left child node, and the third being the right child node. I have a "make" function, which creates an empty tree: ( () () () ). I also have the insert function. Here is the code:

;Inserts a number into the tree
(define (insert t x)
  (cond ((null? (car t))
      (list x (make) (make)))
      ((< x (car t))
       ((list (car t) ((insert (cadr t)  x)) (caddr t))))
      ((> x (car t))
       ((list (car t) (cadr t) ((insert (caddr t) x)) )))


;Makes a new empty tree
(define (make)
  (list (list) (list) (list))

To test it, I run the following lines:

> (define b1 (make))
> (define b2 (insert b1 1))
> b2
(1 (() () ()) (() () ()))
> (define b3 (insert b2 2))

I then receive the following error:

application: not a procedure;
expected a procedure that can be applied to arguments
given: (2 (() () ()) (() () ()))
arguments...: [none]

I have checked and re-checked my parentheses...and running it in debug mode, I see it fails at the END of inserting 2 into the tree. Until the, it works as planned. Is this the cause of a foolish syntax/logic error on my part?

((list (car t) ((insert (cadr t)  x)) (caddr t)))

The outer pair of parentheses is the problem here. (list (car t) ((insert (cadr t) x)) (caddr t)) gives you a list. By wrapping another pair of parentheses around it, you're trying to apply that list as if it was a function, which you can't - thus the error message.

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