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How to customize 403 error exception in symfony2?

I have put the following files in


error.html.twig, error.json.twig , error403.json.twig, error404.json.twig

But still i am not able to get those templates

I want it for access denied exception

 Token does not have the required roles.
403 Forbidden - AccessDeniedHttpException
1 linked Exception:

    AccessDeniedException »

If i were you i'd customize the error403.html.twig in the following folder app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error403.html.twig

I guess you've mistaken the format of this file ( json instead of html )

Also, make sure that you've cleared the cache ( php app/console ca:cl ) and that you are in prod environement.

A more recent update for this. I found that in Symfony 2.8.x, the template you need to override is called exception.html.twig .

I did so by adding the following file in this path.


You can find the original in this folder here:


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