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setting a default value to an undefined variable in javascript

Ideally I want to be able to write something like:

function a( b ) {
    b.defaultVal( 1 );
    return b;

The intention of this is that if b is any defined value, b will remain as that value; but if b is undefined, then b will be set to the value specified in the parameter of defaultVal() , in this case 1 .

Is this even possible?

Ive been toying about with something like this:

    if(typeof this==='undefined'){
        return valOnUndefined;
        return this;

But I'm not having any success applying this kind of logic to any variable, particularly undefined variables.

Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Can it be done? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?

Why not use the default operator:

function someF(b)
    b = b || 1;
    return b;

Job done! Here's more info about how it works.

Just as a side-note: your prototype won't work, because you're augmenting the String prototype, whereas if your variable is undefined, the String prototype doesn't exactly apply.

To be absolutely, super-duper-sure that you're only switching to the default value, when b really is undefined, you could do this:

var someF = (function(undefined)//get the real undefined value
    return function(b)
        b = b === undefined ? 1 : b;
        return b;
})(); // by not passing any arguments

Well the most important thing to learn here is if a variable is undefined you, by default, do not have any methods available on it. So you need to use a method that can operate on the variable, but is not a member/method of that variable.

Try something like:

function defaultValue(myVar, defaultVal){
    if(typeof myVar === "undefined") myVar = defaultVal;
    return myVar;

What you're trying to do is the equivalent of this:

undefined.prototype.defaultValue = function(val) { }

...Which for obvious reasons, doesn't work.

While the two answers already provided are correct, the language has progressed since then. If your target browsers support it, you can use default function parameters like this:

 function greetMe(greeting = "Hello", name = "World") { console.log(greeting + ", " + name + "!"); } greetMe(); // prints "Hello, World!" greetMe("Howdy", "Tiger"); // prints "Howdy, Tiger!" 

Here are the MDN docs on default function parameters.

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