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MVC Scaffolding with Custom T4 Templates in VS 2012 Express

Just getting started with customizing the generated MVC Controller / Views.

Following Steven Sanderson's post: http://blog.stevensanderson.com/2011/04/06/mvcscaffolding-overriding-the-t4-templates/

I used the Package Manager Console to generate 3 custom templates in my VS 2012 MVC4 project

PM>Scaffold CustomTemplate View Create

PM>Scaffold CustomTemplate View Edit

PM>Scaffold CustomTemplate View _CreateOrEdit

which creates a the files in: CodeTemplates\\Scaffolders\\MvcScaffolding.RazorView _CreateOrEdit.cs.t4 Create.cs.t4 Edit.cs.t4

But, when I "Add Controller" and choose the template Mvc Controller with read/write actions and views using Entity Framework

The new templates are NOT being used ???

I was able to modify the create.tt edit.tt templates with notepad in the VS 2012 folder and then generate with the changes in my project. C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\\Common7\\IDE\\VWDExpress\\ItemTemplates\\CSharp\\Web\\MVC 4\\CodeTemplates\\AddView\\CSHTML

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong ?

Thanks, LA Guy

Try creating a CodeTemplates\\AddView\\CSHTML folder inside your solution and put your templates there (or CodeTemplates\\AddController for a controller template). It worked for me in VS2012. These can be checked into source control and everyone can share them. The ones in your VS install directory are a bit harder to share.

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