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JQuery tooltip position

I have been working on a simple tool tip (see fiddle below), but am having some positioning problems. I would like the tip to appear centered and above the link that is clicked. At the moment the top left corner is positioned at the mouse click. I tried to offset this position by half of the tooltip but to no success.


Check out the changes at http://jsfiddle.net/CBf4C/3/

You need to get the position of the clicked element ( use .position() ), get the dimensions of the tooltip with .outerWidth() and .outerHeight() and then calculate based on these..

the actual code is

$('a[title]').click(function(e) {

    //fadetooltip and display information
    $('body').append('<div class="tooltip"><div class="tipBody"></div></div>');
    tip = $(this).attr('title');
    var tooltip = $('.tooltip'); // store a reference to the tooltip to use it later
    tooltip.fadeTo(300, 0.9).children('.tipBody').html( tip );

    // calculate position of tooltip
    var el = $(this),
        pos = el.position(), // get position of clicked element
        w = el.outerWidth(), // get width of clicked element, to find its center
        newtop = pos.top - tooltip.outerHeight() , // calculate top position of tooltip
        newleft = pos.left + (w/2) - (tooltip.outerWidth()/2); // calculate left position of tooltip

    //set position
    $('.tooltip').css('left', newleft )  ;
    $('.tooltip').css('top',  newtop );

    hideTip = false;

http://jsfiddle.net/CBf4C/15/ - 看到这个。

看看我在这里做的改变: http//jsfiddle.net/CBf4C/9/

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