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php yii CGridView add column from different model

The following I have in my admin.php view file, model is Components

<?php $this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
         'label'=>'Asset Number',


)); ?>

I would like to add a extra column called asset number which is a field in another model FixedAsset . The two tables are linked together with their PK in the model ComAsset . What I ideally an trying to achieve is check each record in Components and see if it linked via the component_id if so then pull out the original_asset_number from FixedAsset using fixed_asset_id from ComAsset


components - comasset = 1:1

fixedasset - comasset = 1:M

Assuming the relationships are properly setup in the respective models you should be able to access the related information via $data->relationshipName in the CGridView . If I got the relationships right from your description the value part for this column should look something like this: $data->comAsset->fixedAsset->name .

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