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fullcalendar remember user option eg. month/week/day in cookie

How could I modify the fullcalendar plugin so that this saves the different click methods dayClick etc in a cookie? The next time this calendar is opened if would default to the user preference.

Already using the cookie plugin: https://raw.github.com/carhartl/jquery-cookie/master/jquery.cookie.js

Update of working cookie code following answer:

var calendarView = (!$.cookie('calendarDefaultView')) ? 'month' : $.cookie('calendarDefaultView');  
    defaultView: calendarView,
    viewDisplay: function(view){
        $.cookie('calendarDefaultView', view.name, {expires:7, path: '/'});

The two fullcalendar methods you need are:

//pull viewName from the cookie or set as default
var viewName='month'; //or basicWeek, basicDay, agendaWeek, agendaDay
$("#fullcalendar").fullCalendar( 'changeView', viewName );


        viewDisplay: function( view )
           //save your cookie here, it's triggered each time the view changes

This should put you on the right path. I didn't look at saving the cookie b/c I think you have that under control.

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