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How to deserialize array collection in flex

I am stuck with an issue: In which I am serializing an array collection to a file, the array collection has two type of items an Image and a class object. It serialize successfully, but when I de-serialize it, It simply returns array collection of objects and I found my self unable to convert these objects into Images and the class object(this class is defined by myself and having three members, two images and a shape).

I am adding the code which I used:

[Bindable] var objcnvs:ClassCanvas;
        protected function btnSave_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
            //for saving  data serializaion

            var arrAllSave:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
            for(var i:int = 0;i<arrAll.length; i++)
                    var tempCon:ConnectImage = arrAll[i];
                    arrAllSave.addItem({item:arrAll[i], type:"ConnectImage" });                             
                    var tempImage:Image = arrAll[i];
                    var objImage:ClassImage = new ClassImage(arrAll[i]);
                    arrAllSave.addItem({item:objImage, type:"Image" });                 

            // First, generate your ByteArray from the VO.
            var byteArray : ByteArray = new ByteArray();

            byteArray.writeObject( arrAll );

            // Resolve your file location.
            //var file : File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath( "testFile.ri" );

            var mapName:String = txtMapTitle.text;

            var file : File = File.applicationStorageDirectory.resolvePath( 'Saved Maps/'+mapName+'.imm' );
            if(file.exists == true)
                lblWarn.text = "Map already Exists. Please enter Defferent Map Title";  
            else if(mapName == "")
                lblWarn.text = "Please enter a title for Map.";
                var fileStream:FileStream = new FileStream();
                // Save the file to the given location.
                fileStream.open(file, FileMode.WRITE);
                fileStream.writeBytes( byteArray );

                lblWarn.text = "Map Saved successfully";


        protected function btnLoadMap_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void

            // Execute the file load.
            var loadFileName:String = "t1"; 
            var request : URLRequest = new URLRequest ( "app-storage:/"+"Saved Maps/"+loadFileName+".imm" );
            var receptor : URLLoader = new URLLoader( request );

            // Make sure our content is interpreted as a ByteArray.
            receptor.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.BINARY;
            receptor.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE, fileLoadedHandler );

        private function fileLoadedHandler ( event : Event ) : void
            // Retrieve the event target, cast as the URLLoader we just created
            var loader : URLLoader = event.target as URLLoader;

            // Retrieve the loaded data. We know it's a ByteArray, so let's cast it as well.
            var data : ByteArray = loader.data as ByteArray;

            // Use the ByteArray.readObject method to reconstruct the object.
            var obj : Object = data.readObject();

            // Cast the object and assign it to our data container.

            var loadArrAll:ArrayCollection = obj as ArrayCollection;


The last line

var loadArrAll:ArrayCollection = obj as ArrayCollection;

this is the issue. I get the array collection but it has only a list of objects no images and no my class objects (although these are there but I found no way to convert this array collection in previous form when I serialized it.)

class that needs to be serialized/deserialised needs to implement flash.utils.IExternalizable .

    public function readExternal(input:IDataInput):void - here you restore object
    public function writeExternal(output:IDataOutput):void - here you saving object

best regards

Zain, you have to declare your classes like that:

package com
    public class myClass
        public function myClass()

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