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how to make executable(.exe) using arm-linux-androideabi-gcc?

I have one shared library ,Which written in c build using arm-linux-androideabi-gcc compiler now i want to test my shared library so i written one sample c which call that shared library(.so) and i want to make .exe , so when i compile i got the error like this this is my make file

      TARG_OS       = WIN32
BUILDTYPE     = Debug
OS_BITS = 32    

SRC     := TestLSBioCore.c 

OBJS = $(SRC:.c=.o)

OUT         = ./Test.exe

OUTLIB      = 

INCLUDE     = -I../../../../../../../android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/include -I../../include

LIBS        = libLSBioCore.so

# C++ compiler flags (-g -O2 -Wall)
#CCFLAGS    = -O2 -w -ansi -D_POSIX_SOURCE


DEFS        =  "-D __MSYS__" "-D__NBISLE__"

CFLAGS = -nostdlib 
LDFLAGS =-Wl,-rpath-link=../../../../../../../android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/lib/ -L../../../../../../../android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/lib/
LIB = -lc -lm

OBJECT = ../../../../../../../android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-8/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtbegin_dynamic.o \

#CCC        = mingw32-gcc

CCC         = arm-linux-androideabi-gcc

#AR = ar
#AR = /cygdrive/f/android-ndk-r8b/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-ar

AR = arm-linux-androideabi-ar

default: dep $(OUT)

    $(CCC) -c $(CCFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $(DEFS)  $< -o $@

$(OUT): $(OBJS) 
    $(CCC) -o $(OUT) $(OBJECT) $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(LIB)
    #$(AR) rcs $(OUTLIB) $(OBJS)
    rm -f $(OBJS)

depend: dep

#   makedepend -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(INCLUDES) $(SRC)

    del  $(OBJS) $(OUT)

i got the following error

        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dcmple'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fadd'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fcmpgt'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_i2f'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dcmplt'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_ddiv'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dmul'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_d2f'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fsub'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fcmpge'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dadd'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_idiv'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dcmpgt'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dcmpge'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dsub'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_f2iz'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fdiv'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_i2d'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fcmpeq'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fmul'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_fcmplt'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_dcmpeq'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_f2uiz'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_d2iz'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_f2d'
        libLSBioCore.so: undefined reference to `__aeabi_idivmod'
        collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
        Makefile:57: recipe for target `Test.exe' failed

i hope i gave the proper link in my make ,i can;t get what the error behind this,do anyone have idea about how to make exe using arm-linux-androideabi-gcc.

You have chosen a complicated way; note that with ndk-build you can build an executable much easier. For example, look at the test-libstdc++ NDK sample.

But using the bare make is also possible. You need more libraries though, when you set -nostdlib on your command line.

Add -lgcc . You may need more libs from toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.6/prebuilt/windows/lib/gcc/arm-linux-androideabi/4.6.x-google to satisfy more references.

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