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How to match a struct

I want to match a struct test , and build a struct from that, but how can I do that?
I can't even use eval to do this?

Please reference to the code,

#lang racket

  (struct test (num) #:prefab)

  (define s `((AK= #(struct:test 100))

  (define ns (make-base-namespace))
   (define (set-state-space-vals!)
   (namespace-set-variable-value! 'test test #f ns)

(match s
   [`((AK= #(struct:test ,val) (AV)))  ;; can't match
     (displayln val)
   [`((AK= ,val) (AV))   ;; can match, but how to build the struct?
     (struct? (eval val ns))
     (match-define (struct test (num)) (eval val ns)) ;this will fail
     (displayln num)
    ]  )

I think you were looking for something like this:

(struct test (num) #:prefab)

(define s '((AK= #s(test 100)) (AV)))

(match s
  [`((AK= ,(struct test (val))) (AV))
   (displayln val)])

Also, in general using eval in a situation like this is highly inadvisable. When in doubt, do not use eval . See this blog post for a longer explanation. You might also want to see the Guide entries on prefabs and pattern matching .

此外,虽然它不在匹配的文档中,`((AK = #s(test,val))(AV))是一个有效的模式。

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