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Excel - Combine multiple columns into one column 3

What is the formula that we can use in Microsoft Excel to get the result of the value summation from string column A and string Column C if they are the same? Column B and Column D are both the number that assign to its respective column which is Column A and Column C. For example “orange” holds the value 6 (in Column B) for Column A while in Column C “orange” hold the value 2 (in column D).Final results should show the summation of 6+2=8 (in Column F) for string 'Orange' (Column E).

Thank you Lupe

If you have this table:

A       B   C       D
orange  1   orange  6
apple   2   apple   7
grapes  3   carrot  8
carrot  4   melon   9

And you want to search in column C for each of the A column values, you should use this in column E: (for E2, and drag down)

=IFERROR($B2+VLOOKUP($A2,$C$2:$D$5,2,FALSE), 0)

make sure to change $C$2:$D$5 to your range (in both places).

A       B   C       D   E
orange  1   orange  6   7
apple   2   apple   7   9
grapes  3   carrot  8   0
carrot  4   melon   9   12

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