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How to start Symfony through app.php?



"Cannot import resource "@AcmeDemoBundle/Controller/SecuredController.php" from "D:/UserData/WWWRoot/Symfony/app/config/routing.yml". Make sure the "AcmeDemoBundle/Controller/SecuredController.php" bundle is correctly registered and loaded in the application kernel class."

This is my routes of app\\config\\routing.yml

Internal routing configuration to handle ESI

    resource: "@FrameworkBundle/Resources/config/routing/internal.xml"
    prefix:   /_internal

    pattern:  /
    defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:Welcome:index }

    resource: "@AcmeDemoBundle/Controller/SecuredController.php"
    type:     annotation

    resource: "@AcmeDemoBundle/Controller/DemoController.php"
    type:     annotation
    prefix:   /demo

AcmeDemoBundle is activated in AppKernel for dev and test environments only:

if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), array('dev', 'test'))) {
    $bundles[] = new Acme\DemoBundle\AcmeDemoBundle();

If you want to access it via app.php — which is for the prod envifonment — you need to move the bundle activation out of the condition.

AFAIK, adding prod in the getEnvironment() options array is OK, assuming you know what bundles dont go to prod.

Have a separate condition to check if its dev or test for other bundles that don't go to prod

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