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iOS - old versions of app getting installed from the App Store

We just had an app update get approved in the App Store today. However, on some devices, when we download the app, even after completely deleting it first, it is installing the previous version. Is the device somehow remembering the old version? How is this possible? Some devices that weren't used as much for development seem to download the correct version from today.

What could be going on here?

Have these devices ever installed your app via TestFlight? We had this issue and TestFlight was causing a similar issue. We would try to download the app from the App Store, and an older app version would be installed. Funny enough, after installing this older app and returning to the App Store, we would be informed that there was an update available for our app, and we would be able to update to the correct version at this point.

Removing TestFlight and its associated profiles didn't seem to help; a factory reset of the phone did the trick.

I don't know about TestFlight. But, I had this issue when my new version of app gets to "Ready for Sale". Spent long time searching for a solution for this issue.

Surprisingly about an hour it got resolved by itself. So, I advice you to be patient it works by itself after a while.

There's a timing discrepancy between the time your app gets to "Ready for Sale", the time your new keywords (if any) gets indexed by the App Store, and the time the binary downloads actually get updated. From our experience they don't get longer than an hour, but I can imagine that a lot of factors affect this lag.

If it does take inconveniently long then it's probably a good idea to report it to Apple.

I have the same issue I upload the new version of the app with the help of iTunesConnect but the app store does not show my new version. when I upload the app into iTunes I upload the app version 1.06 but due to some error upload is invalid so again I fix the minor error and upload again but this time but not opening again the version (i have already open iTunes so I just upload the new build but not create the new version into iTunes.)

so I click the new version again on the iTunes connect account and set also the same version 1.0.7 and set the same version on the app and change the build number and upload again from Xcode into iTunes and then save and click to submit the after one-day reviewing time my new version uploaded on the app store. and make sure you are downloading directly from the app store if you are using Apple Store app for downloading then update the apple store app otherwise your app not showing a new version of its show the old version.

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