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CSS loading locally but not in Heroku for a rails app

I'm following a rails prelaunch signup tutorial. Bootstrap was working fine deployed on heroku, but then I modified the bootstrap_and_override file to include a logo. When launching a rails server locally and viewing, the style is as I intended with bootstrap and the new header logo appearing.

Like I did before, I ran rake assets:precompile and pushed to git - followed this tutorial http://railsapps.github.com/rails-heroku-tutorial.html which worked before showing the css while on heroku. The html is showing but it looks like css and bootstrap are missing.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Run bundle exec rake assets:precompile on your local code

Commit the changes and deploy to heroku

Had the same exact problem, I don't know if it will help other in the future, but I got this on my "git push heroku master" push:


    Include "rails_12factor" gem to enable all platform features

Updated my gemfile,

    *group :production, :staging do
      gem 'pg'
      gem 'rails_12factor'

Ran it again, to my delight it installed these:

    Installing rails_serve_static_assets (0.0.1)
           Installing rails_stdout_logging (0.0.1)
           Installing rails_12factor (0.0.2)

Site worked perfect after that. Hope that helps someone, I'm new to all this.

Check that in /config/environments/production.rb you have these set to true

config.cache_classes = true config.serve_static_assets = true config.assets.compile = true config.assets.digest = true

git add, git commit and push to heroku.

If your using sass...before you go through all this other trouble...make sure your not mixing .css and .scss files in your assets folder.
Heroku seems to have some trouble mixing the two when compiling assets. I can't explain why of if its an accurate explanation...but, in my own experience all I had to do to fix this was simply rename any .css files to .scss.

Figured it out after trying about everything stackoverflow could suggest. I simply checked git status, saw I had a bunch of uncommitted files (thought this would have been picked up by git push heroku master), then added, committed and pushed to git. Then I started over, ran bundle install, precompiled assets and deployed to heroku and it is working.

I got the same problem in rails4 fixed with adding a. gem 'rails_12factor' b. bundle exec rake assets:precompile

To load assets in production environment:

How to load assets in production rails

Note: After following above link

rm -rf tmp/*
rm -rf public/assets/*
RAILS_ENV='production' rake assets:precompile

then restart your server

这是一个长镜头,但如果您使用 Chrome,请尝试按Ctrl + Shift + R重新加载页面,因为 Chrome 有时会缓存旧的 CSS 设置。

I just went through similar problems with an app. Check out THIS post...

This issue can also happen when you are cloning an app and using a CDN for your assets.

Comment out config.action_controller.asset_host in production.rb if your heroku app is a staging site.

我不得不运行heroku run rake css:rebuild

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