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How to change innerHTML of childNodes in case some childnodes without tags?

That is my example of problem

<div onclick="this.childNodes(0).innerHTML='0';">

as you see, two childnodes (" " and " ") are tagged, others are simple text. ”和“ ”),其他是简单文本。 The question is how to change innerHTML of tagged and untagged nodes (texts) in sertain div container without touching other nodes/texts?

Essentially, you'll use the data (text) property for text nodes ( nodeType 3) and innerHTML otherwise ( fiddle ):

<div onclick="this.childNodes[0][this.childNodes[0].nodeType === 3 ? 'data' : 'innerHTML'] = '0'">

[edit] I'm getting really tired of everyone offering libraries as solutions when all that's required is a simple explanation of a basic concept, eg: text-nodes and element nodes have differing content properties, ie: data and innerHTML .

I wrote a lib called Linguigi . It would be as easy as

new Linguigi(element).eachText(function(text) {
    if(this.parentNode.tagName === 'B') {
        return "BACON";

which turns the text of all text nodes inside b-tags to "BACON". You get the original content as "text" parameter and could transform that.


BTW: You should get rid of the inline event handling ( onclick attribute)

You can cycle through each of the nodes recursively, checking their nodeType property in turn and updating the nodeValue property with '0' if the node is a text node (indicated by nodeType == 3 ).

Assuming you have this HTML :

<div onclick="doReplace(this)">

You can then write a simple replace function that calls itself recursively, like so:

window.doReplace = function (rootNode) {
    var children = rootNode.childNodes;
    for(var i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
        var aChild = children[i];
        if(aChild.nodeType == 3) {
            aChild.nodeValue = '0';
        else {

A working fiddle can be found here: http://jsfiddle.net/p9YCn/1/

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