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Weird error with py2exe and Sympy

Ok, I am making a program using SymPy. I use sympy.Eq, sympy.solve, and sympy.Symbol. When I compile my program and I run the command (It's a User Interface) that uses sympy.solve, sympy.Eq, and sympy.Symbol. It works perfectly when it is not compiled, but when I compile it with py2exe (as a bundled executable), it gives my this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "RateTime.py", line 46, in <module>
  File "RateTime.py", line 33, in main
  File "RateTime.py", line 4, in get_catch_up_time
  File "sympy\solvers\solvers.pyc", line 883, in solve
  File "sympy\solvers\solvers.pyc", line 316, in check_assumptions
  File "sympy\assumptions\ask.pyc", line 88, in ask
  File "sympy\assumptions\assume.pyc", line 94, in _eval_ask
  File "sympy\assumptions\assume.pyc", line 157, in eval
  File "sympy\utilities\source.pyc", line 26, in get_class
ImportError: No module named handlers

I tried changing the code in source.py from

lookup_view = getattr(__import__(mod_name, {}, {}, ['*']), func_name)


exec "import "+mod_name+" as MODULE"
lookup_view = getattr(MODULE, func_name)

And it gave me the error even when the project WASN'T compiled. I assume a python file in sympy is not being included because it is not normally imported immediatly. I had to change it back. Is there a way to fix this? I really need my python project to be distributed as a executable. Thanks!

I think that the ImportError does indeed mean that py2exe didn't pick up sympy.assumptions.handlers nor its submodules. The easiest workaround is probably to add

import sympy.assumptions.handlers.calculus 

right where you import sympy.

You may need to do the same for "order", "sets" and "ntheory" in addition to "calculus".


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