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uploading video to s3 with paperclip

Hi im trying to upload a video to s3 and display it using flowplayer

my flowplayer crashes because the numbers are added at the back of the url of video src

<div class="flowplayer" style="width: 624px; height: 260px; ">
   <video src="http://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/psyched-sg-store/624x260.mp4?1350552718"></video>

this breaks my flowplayer , but clicking on the link after view source brings me to the video

<div class="flowplayer" style="width: 624px; height: 260px; ">
   <video src="http://s3-ap-southeast-1.amazonaws.com/psyched-sg-store/624x260.mp4"></video>

this works

i set up my paperclip like this

# /config/initializer/s3.rb
# if you're using sg buckets
Paperclip.interpolates(:s3_sg_url) { |attachment, style|

in my model..

  has_attached_file :attached_video,:storage => :s3,
       :s3_credentials => "#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml",
       :path => "/:filename",
       :url  => ":s3_sg_url"

       def attached_video_url
           if attached_video.file?

i also set up my s3.yml

  bucket: psyched-sg-store
  access_key_id: xx
  secret_access_key: xx
  bucket: psyched-sg-store
  access_key_id: xx
  secret_access_key: x
  bucket: psyched-sg-store
  access_key_id: xx
  secret_access_key: xx

whats wrong? why are the numbers appearing behind the url?

Those numbers are anti-caching timestamps. If you want to get rid of them, add :use_timestamp => false to your model's attachment setup, as in:

has_attached_file :attached_video,:storage => :s3,
       :s3_credentials => "#{Rails.root}/config/s3.yml",
       :path => "/:filename",
       :url  => ":s3_sg_url",
       :use_timestamp => false

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