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PHP: Displaying ImageMagick image without saving to server like GD

This question has already been asked (see link below) but none of the answers work. So I have this ImageMagick script that I am using to tint PNGs and it works great but the problem is that it actually generates files on the server. What I want instead is exactly what GD does where it does the image manipulation and then displays it without actually saving an image.

Here is my ImageMagick code that I use to tint the image. This code does the converting and generates an extra file on the server which is the final image.


$source = "src.png";
$final = "FINAL.png";
$color = "#00FF00";

exec("convert $source  -threshold 100% +level-colors '$color',   $final");


Here is a GD example code which does an image manipulation and displays the final image directly without saving extra images to the server:

header('Content-Type: image/png');

$source = "src.png";

$im = imagecreatefrompng($source);
imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);


So essentially I want the image manipulation that is done in the first example, but without saving extra images and displaying the output in the browser.

Links searched:

None of the solutions worked: Generate images with ImageMagick without saving to file but still display them on website

How can I convert my ImageMagick code to iMagick? PHP-Imagemagick image display

A direct example using your code for others to learn from. I use this same method on my shared Linux server on Godaddy.

    $source = "src.png";
    $color = "#00FF00";

    $cmd = "convert $source -threshold 100% +level-colors '$color',".
    " -unsharp 0.2x0.6+1.0 -quality 50 JPG:-";

    header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
    passthru($cmd, $retval); 
  • Note : - Are you sure you are using " -threshold 100% +level-colors '$color', " correctly? Threshold 100% will push an image to black. Which then +level-colors '#00FF00', will just make a solid green image. I am assuming you have simplified the code for this demonstration.

  • Note : - " +level-colors '$color' ", does not work on Godaddy's servers. It works fine on my home server though. Possibly an outdated ImageMagick version installed on Godaddy's server.

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